Upcoming Shows
April 10th - 13th, 2025
Location: Indra’s Awarehouse
7904 FM 969, Austin, TX 78724
Cirque Vida invites you to glimpse into our lives through the dim light of a window. Using a combination of dynamic circus, dance, and acrobatics, our cast explores the complexities of our closest relationships — and familiarity with day-to-day routines. As relationships develop and lives intersect, we will pull the curtains back and share our most private moments of laughter, pain, and vulnerability with you. Join us for a 75 min show centering around the quirky characters of an apartment building.
This project is supported in part by the City of Austin Economic Development Department.

Create. Perform. Repeat.
Cirque Vida is a contemporary circus company rooted in ensemble circus, acrobatics, and dance; it aims to tell meaningful human stories using the virtuosity of gravity-defying circus. Cirque Vida brings small cast shows to the Austin area, focusing on narrative stories that celebrate life in all its fascinating and intricate manifestations. Cirque Vida hopes to expand the visibility of circus arts through annual full-length theater shows, artistic collaboration, and youth outreach.
Under the direction of Mexican American founder Xochitl Sosa, Cirque Vida brings a unique and much-needed LatinX lens to this art form. With a commitment to more diversity in the circus arts, Cirque Vida hopes to aid in social discourse within the genre. Exploring the intimacy of human vulnerability with the strength and daring of circus, acrobatics, and a spectrum of other technical movement disciplines, this narrative approach, and Xochitl’s integrative style, is the perfect vehicle for people to explore the stories of others. Circus invites people to imagine a world quite different from their own. Through this approach, we hope to bring awareness of social issues and allow for transformation, adaptation, and empathy as bridges for the divides between us.
Youth Outreach
It is commonly said within the circus community that “circus is for everyone.” This is true in that circus arts have been used as a medium to teach kids individual wellness and to develop self-esteem through physical and emotional confidence. One of circus arts’ most significant attributes is that it creates drive and autonomy. Circus is physically and mentally demanding but also fun and playful. This duality pushes kids to keep growing, exploring, and learning. We believe that circus arts teach us to be better humans.
Cirque Vida wants to pass along the torch of circus arts to youth. Through both educational opportunities and free presentations. We hope to make circus arts accessible to kids who might not have regular access to art.
Local Talent
With our roots firmly planted in Austin, TX, Cirque Vida will catalyze the arts community with local seasonal full-length shows and unique collaborative projects. We strive to be dependable work for local artists. One of our goals at Cirque Vida is to increase circus arts’ visibility, viability, and accessibility locally and nationwide.
Contemporary Circus
Circus has come a long way from the traditional tented circus. Contemporary circus developed in the late 20th century and has continued to evolve. Now the leading type of circus worldwide, it is surrounded by communities of researchers, academics, and accredited schools. Contemporary circus is much more story- and character-based than traditional ones; it often incorporates non-traditional circus skills such as various dance styles, musical variety, and a central theme. It usually connects the audience to the performers through a more intimate setting and aesthetic, drawing on current societal trends.
CirqueVida is thrilled to bring this art form to Central Texas.
Innovate. Evolve. Perform.
To create innovative art, we must look beyond the parameters established by the art form. Circus is ever-changing and evolving: dance, athleticism, daring, storytelling, and humor. It can exist in a tent, on stage, or a street corner. Cirque Vida wants to emphasize the boundlessness of circus arts through collaboration. We want to expand and integrate with Austin's already thriving arts scene. This collaboration is not only artistically fulfilling but can also help bring recognition to contemporary circus arts.
We are open to new collaborations. If you are interested in working with us, please contact us.
See: fracturedatlas.org
Carte Blanche Ventures
Providing us with our digital presence.